Today we visited the Cavan Museum in Ballyjamesduff to take part in their excellent tours of their WWI trench and their recreation of the G.P.O. This was a great way to finish of our history study of the 1916 Rising and WWI.
Project presentation time! Today the boys produced excellent project presentations to our judging panel. The projects ranged from the 1916 Rising to WWI and WWII.

We have had a very busy few weeks with Confirmation and our Junior Entrepreneur project nearing a close. Today we had our business visitor talk with Cillian Geraghty from Europcar. Here Cillian gave the students an insight in to life as a business person and the pros and cons associated with this. It was a very beneficial exercise.
Our Junior Entrepreneur Project has begun and this year we are making St. Brigid’s Day crosses. We gathered rushes from far and wide, including Leitrim-thanks to Mrs Mc Cartin! Thank you to Miss Fitzpatrick too for her donation. The rushes were blessed by Father Peter and are now ready to be put to great use.

Our project presentations based on Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were a tremendous success. We are all very proud of our efforts…one project done, two more to go!

Fantastic tour of Dáil Éireann today with Deputy Niamh Smyth. Great day out for all…we even got to watch the Dáil in session from the gallery above and witness the leaders of all parties in action. Thanks a million to Niamh and her team for making today possible.

Our bronze medal winners at the schools cross country event today…great achievement!

October 17

September 2017